The Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) within the Office of Research and Economic Development at UC Merced is in charge of grant proposal submissions and grant awards.
The Sponsored Projects Office can help navigate your:
Two groups of Research Administrators exist within the Sponsored Projects Office: 1) Pre Award Group; 2) Post Award Group. A link to these groups can be found here.
Proposal Submissions
The Pre Award Group handles components of the grant submission process. When requesting support from the Proposal Group, the first step is to complete the Proposal Submission Request Form.
Questions about proposal preparation and submission can be submitted to the pre-award Research Administrator assigned to SSHA:
Amelia Johnson
Phone: 209-233-2461
Grant Awards
You’ve gotten your grant! Congratulations! Now what??? The Post Award Group in SPO handles components of the grant award process. Please visit the Award Setup webpage for more information.
Questions about the award process can be submitted to the post-award Research Administrator assigned to SSHA:
Yulia Hidalgo
Phone: 209-386-3103